🔗 Connecting with Users Who Share the Same NFTs

Uncut is revolutionizing the way NFT enthusiasts connect and interact by offering an innovative platform that intelligently links users based on their shared digital assets. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of discovering your NFT network and how you're automatically connected with like-minded individuals who own the same NFTs as you.

Why Connect with Users Who Share the Same NFTs?

Connecting with others who share your interests and passions can foster a vibrant community of NFT collectors and creators. By discovering and engaging with users who own the same NFTs, you can:

  • Share insights and opinions about specific NFTs and their creators.
  • Collaborate on new projects or trade digital assets.
  • Expand your social network and form lasting friendships within the NFT space.

How Uncut Automatically Connects You with Your NFT Network

Uncut's unique platform automatically connects you with users who share the same NFTs as you, creating a seamless and organic experience.

  • Log in to your Uncut account: If you're not already logged in, visit the Uncut homepage and sign in using your email or your connected wallet.
  • Access your NFT Network: Click on the "My Network" tab located in the main navigation bar at the top of your profile page. This will take you to your NFT Network page, where you can explore users who share the same NFTs as you.
  • Browse your connections: Scroll through the list of users who own the same NFTs as you. You are automatically connected with these users, and once our upcoming social feed is released, you'll be able to communicate with them directly.
  • Filter by NFT (soon): To narrow down the list of users based on a specific NFT, you will soon be able to click on a "Filter by NFT" dropdown menu at the top of the page. You will be able to select the desired NFT or Collection from a list, and the page will refresh to display only users who own that particular NFT or Collection.

Final Thoughts

Uncut's NFT Network feature is a powerful tool for discovering and automatically connecting with like-minded NFT enthusiasts. By engaging with users who share your NFTs, you can form meaningful connections, collaborate on projects, and grow your network in the thriving world of digital assets.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or join our Discord server to connect with other community members.

Happy networking!

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